However, amyloidosis in general is a systemic disease ... You could also consider genetic testing or a cardiac MRI. So that’s the general algorithm. I also recommend additional bloodwork ...
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and cardiac amyloidosis are two critical conditions that lead to abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, posing ...
Imaging is a vital tool for assessing the health and strength of the heart. In two recent studies, Yale researchers have ...
02.352, Heidelberglaan100, 3582 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands, a.j.teske{at} Objective Echocardiographic cut-off values are often used for cardiac MRI in athletic persons. This study ...
Fasting is typically required if you’re having: an abdominal MRI MRI enterography or colonography a cardiac MRI an MRI with contrast dye During your fast, you can’t eat any solid food and can ...
have issued guidelines stating that a careful risk/benefit must be established and that cardiac implantable devices remain a relative contraindication to MRI. [1] According to the AHA general ...
Methods Three hundred and eighty-one subjects (mean age 25±5 years, range 18 to 39 years; 61% men) underwent cardiac MRI and ECG: 114 healthy non-athletes (≤3 training h/week) and 267 healthy elite ...
The health risks of excess visible fat, such as that around the waist, are widely understood. However, less visible fat ...