Representative Deborah Ross (D), of Wake County, told CBS 17 that the lack of transparency has kept her office from learning the exact number of positions that were eliminated in North Carolina.
NCDEQ officials and staff tried to recruit for the long-understaffed agency during a conference, and the governor’s office announced a website for those displaced due to Hurricane Helene or recent ...
Griffin, a Court of Appeals judge, has challenged over 65,000 early or absentee ballots – most because the voters’ ...
The NWS has personnel and weather radar in Wake, New Hanover and Carteret ... (D), of Wake County, told CBS 17 that the lack of transparency has kept her office from learning the exact number of ...
Lopazanski retired in December as deputy director of the division after more than 30 years in state government ... coast and to the people North Carolina.” Before Wilson and his staff resumed their ...
NORTH CAROLINA — President ... Onslow, and Carteret counties in October after Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 deluged some areas in the tri-county region with 20 inches of rain in September.
Today the Carteret County Board of Education held a budget meeting discussing funds for the next school year. In this meeting ...
A small island near the old Harkers Island Bridge site will be renamed in honor of a Carteret County resident killed in ...
The Carteret County Sheriff’s Office arrested two adults at White Oak Elementary School Monday, after noticing that they were ...
Effective Friday, March 21 at 8 a.m., the Carteret County Fire Marshal’s Office prohibits all open burning across Carteret ...