Not only does it provide some very peculiar, out-of-this-world names for your future daughter, but most Sci-Fi girl names also come with elaborate, in-depth meanings and backstories. The obvious ...
Fluffy strands of cosmic gas and dust illuminated by bright young stars form a beautiful cloudscape in a neighboring nebula.
A diverse array of music, artists, DJs, dancers and poets will entertain throughout the night in the Tri-Main Center at 2495 ...
A map of the CMB published by ACT researchers. Research by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration has led to the clearest and most precise images yet of the universe’s infancy, the cosmic ...
Cosmic microwave background data support cosmology’s standard model but retain a mystery about the universe’s expansion rate.
The industry leaders will deliver 26 workshops, 21 discussions, film screenings, and exhibitions between May 1-4` ...