The rights of Americans to self-determine how to educate their children — a hotly contested matter that stretches back to at ...
Yet Southern states defied the court's decision. In Mississippi, Medgar Evers and other African American applicants ... a rallying cry of the civil rights movement. An SCLC staffer watching ...
140, No. 2, Spring 2011 The Past & Future of American Civil Righ ... He ends by exploring the contours of racial formation in the United States today, outlining a program for a new civil rights ...
Following the American ... rights movement, as it showed that the Supreme Court was prepared to take action to end segregation in the USA. In 1865, the Civil War in America ended. The northern ...
Clay became a boxer and suffered the indignation of winning an Olympic gold medal for the United States in 1960 and ... during the years when the civil rights movement achieved its first milestones.
S HREVEPORT, La. – In the late 1950s and early 1960s the NAACP faced the “Red Scare” when many politicians and civic leaders ...
Photographer Andrew Feiler documented the last remaining Rosenwald Schools built to educate Black children during segregation. The exhibition ...
Sen. Ted Cruz has likened vouchers to “the civil rights issue of our time." But critics note they were used in the 1950s to ...
For Teen Vogue’s United States of Suppression series, we spoke to civil rights lawyers, elected representatives, and organizers to understand how our right to protest is being curtailed ...
Few countries buffet and shine their historical landmarks and dates with the pride and precision of the United States ... enduring touchstones of the civil rights movement. It is the 60th ...