UNC Down Syndrome Clinic in Chapel Hill is for children and adults. The clinic provides access to critical care that people ...
After Hiding My Undiagnosed Neurological Condition for Decades, I Finally Found Answers A personal quest and progress in ...
The UNC Down Syndrome Clinic marks a significant expansion of care options for people with Down syndrome. Spearheaded by a ...
A new clinic opened in Chapel Hill to provide special new resources for patients with Down syndrome and their families.
This Friday, March 21st, is known as World Down Syndrome Day. The date symbolizes the three copies of Chromosome 21.
The clinic, located on the ground floor of the N.C. Children’s Hospital on Manning Drive in Chapel Hill, officially opens ...
Friday, March 21 is World Down Syndrome Awareness Day and we're highlighting local voices in the Down Syndrome community, like Sydney Hanley's.