The $31.8 million project to replace the North Avenue Bridge is being done in three stages, and right now, they are in the second phase with the new traffic pattern that recently started.
Trump executive order raises concerns about the future of the $3.6 billion Brent Spence Corridor improvement project over the ...
Commuters frustrated by delays on U.S. 378's Wateree River bridge may see relief soon, with westbound lanes expected to ...
Rhode Island’s Congressional delegation is asking the Trump Administration not to delay federal funding for the repair of the ...
The NCDOT said the new bridge will feature two 16-foot travel lanes, and the road approaching the bridge will be widened in ...
The bridge, which was built in the 1970s to span the Kanawha Canal and CSX-owned railroad tracks, has been closed since 2022 after officials deemed it structurally unsafe.
Construction workers are nearing a major milestone in the emergency repair works along the Daniel Carter Beard Bridge.
The two finalists competing to rebuild the westbound Washington Bridge will get three confidential meetings with state ...
COLUMBIA – Work will soon begin on a replacement for the Lindsay C. Warren (Alligator River) Bridge on U.S. 64 in Tyrrell and Dare counties, under a contract approved today by the N.C. Board of ...