The copperhead and cottonmouth snake species are common to Alabama but how many more are there and what are their habitats?
Scientists have identified 866 new species as part of the Ocean Census, a global mission to protect and accelerate the ...
An ongoing Paleontological Resource Inventory discovered the new species, called Clavusodens mcginnisi, while collecting ...
We may be more likely to see snakes this time of year, as the weather warms. Use this information to make encounters less scary.
Research indicates that delicate deepwater corals tolerated or adapted to major climate and salinity fluxes, “yet today, it’s ...
New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
Two years ago, there was an unprecedented coral bleaching event that happened in Florida waters. Mote Marine Laboratory was ...
You may not think of fish as being noisy, but they can actually be a pretty vocal bunch. A new AI system is able to quickly ...
Studying coral reefs used to mean hours of grueling manual analysis, but artificial intelligence is changing the game. A new ...
Despite making up less than 1% of the world’s oceans, one-quarter of all marine species spend some portion of their life on a ...
Divers, underwater submersibles and remotely operated vehicles found 886 marine species over a 16-month period, and they have ...