“Duck Dynasty” is heading back to A&E, eight years after the hit unscripted series ended its run on the network. The new series, dubbed “Duck Dynasty: The Revival,” has been given a two ...
A 19-year-old duck hunter was rescued by police, firefighters, and harbormaster crews after he fell from his boat into near-freezing waters in Marion Monday morning, officials said. Shortly before ...
The outbreak is a significant blow to the region's duck farming industry, as Crescent Duck Farm is one of the last remaining commercial duck farms in Long Island. The farm's president, Doug Corwin ...
When it comes to kids’ crafts, you don’t need a room full of fancy arts and crafts supplies. There’s a lot you can do ...
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Observers explain that the weak demand reflects poor operating loads in target industries such as the paper industry, where temporary downtime taken at the turn of the year was more pronounced than ...
When RSS sarsanghchalak is calling a halt to rash of ‘masjids built over mandirs’ claims, it could stem from realisation that it’ll be impossible for BJP govt to maintain order if issue goes out of ...