I was hurt and embarrassed over my husband's thoughtlessness at his aunt's big family event. I ended up at a solo table in a ...
Am I a crank, or is it OK these days for waiters to become involved in diners' conversations and actually take over the ...
So, at the last minute, my husband was asked to sit at the head table with his aunt and her husband. I was not invited to do that, and my husband didn’t ask if I could sit with them. The room was full ...
Dear Abby: My husband puts everyone first before me.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
Dear Abby: My wife and I are retired seniors. We live in a beautiful two-story house we built 14 years ago. At the time, we ...
I recently reconnected with a colleague from work. We were friendly, but not really what I would call friends. We reconnected on social media and have had lunch ...
I want people to know I respect my parents, but is grave decorating a generational thing, and is the trend not to do so in ...
Allow me to express my sympathy for the loss of your parents. Grave decorating is a personal choice. Some individuals and ...
Retired senior knows downsizing and moving closer to the couple's children is inevitable and wants to be around when that ...
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I are retired seniors. We live in a beautiful two-story house we built 14 years ago. At the time, we ...