Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
Disney’s “The Lion King” (1994) was a staple of an entire generation’s childhood, creating a whole new world of beloved ...
The photo-realistic computer-generated animals may have technically improved since the 2019 "Lion King," but they still aren't movie stars like their 2D animation counterparts.
Historically, Disney keeps its movies in theaters for around 90 days before transitioning them to its streaming service. If ...
Disney and Vevo have released the full clip of 'I Always Wanted a Brother,' one of the new songs written by Lin-Manuel ...
The Lion King,” I eagerly watched every trailer posted on YouTube. I was excited to finally examine Disney’s revelation of ...
Ever since 90s kids learned about the Circle of Life, there have been few other titles to touch that level of Disney ...
Mufasa: The Lion King features Aaron Pierre as the titular character. Now, the prequel movie has topped Nosferatu at the ...
James Earl Jones will forever be remembered for his signature basso profundo voice that gave Darth Vader from the Star Wars ...
Barry Jenkins is too good a director to disappear altogether inside the creative limitations of “Mufasa: The Lion King.” This ...
The Lion King” isn’t as fun or as smart as its predecessors. But it’s still entertaining enough to be worth a trip to the theater. ‘Mufasa: The Lion ...
But there's no denying that the 1994 movie The Lion King is one of the most iconic films, telling the story of lion cub Simba ...