In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
The pope’s words emphasized his humility and belief that simple acts of devotion could unite the church. His illness has made ...
Prayer anchors our existence in the divine, transforming time and space into meaningful worship that connects heaven and ...
As I write this, news is that the health of Pope Francis has significantly improved. Would this pave the way for the fulfillment of the prophecy that a Pope (no ...
In their lectures on the benefits and lessons of Ramadan, Islamic scholars Prof. Sunusi Yuguda, Dr. Abdulahi Shahibu, Mikhail Daud and Sheikh AbdulWahab Garba, urged Muslims to uphold the spiritual ...
"When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained." – (Sahih ...
I long stopped petitioning God; I ask instead for two people to smile at, two people to help, two whacko ideas, two people to ...
This is the prayer to Saint Benedict to keep enemies, envy, and bad vibes out of your life. Say goodbye to negativity for ...
Those of us who have been monitoring current Catholic mystics must surely agree that the dreadful warnings (prophecies) from them are now happening in growing m ...
A "Divine Visit to Ethiopia," Prayer and Thanksgiving Program is underway at Meskel Square here in Addis Ababa. The two-day program, organized by the Ethiopian Council of Gospel Believers’ Churches ...
In celebrating Lent and in every season of the liturgical year, it is good to recall the teaching of the Second Vatican ...
He encouraged Muslims to take advantage of the holy month to draw closer to God by showing kindness to the less privileged and ...