POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
However, there are some situations that warrant more urgent attention.” With that in mind, HuffPost asked Myers and other ...
Tulare County’s gray wolves, collectively known as the Yowlumni pack, are a family that was counted by the California ...
Hair loss patches or areas of thinning, red or inflamed skin, dry or flaking areas could be signs of an underlying problem. If you spot anything of concern, chat this through with your vet. More ...
All cat and dog owners in the UK have been warned flea infestations at this time of year “more common than many people realise”.
Canine health experts break down the red flags that may indicate major underlying problems. View Entire Post › ...
Many people across the world suffer from the extremely common hair problem, which could be aggravated by a vitamin deficiency - how to check ...
Amanda Grace has many fond memories of her childhood. As the eldest daughter of one of Ireland's most iconic entertainers, the late funnyman Brendan Grace, ...
D-TECT: The Dyson Car+Boat handheld vacuum cleaner is specifically designed for deep cleaning of cars, vans and boats, and is ...
Desiree Rodriguez lost 35 pounds on a drug like Ozempic — but the tradeoff was losing “clumps” of her hair. She spoke to The Post about how she managed to minimize the hair loss.
I started losing my hair at 20, sending me into a spiral of fear and failed treatments. Here’s what I learned — and what it ...