Nearly 13,000 Dutch skiers needed help this winter, including 1,300 with injuries. Discover what led to the spike in ...
This past winter season was a tough one on Dutch winter sports enthusiasts. The travelers’ organization ANWB received almost ...
Ambulance services are measured by the time it takes from receiving a 999 call to a vehicle arriving at the patient's location. Under the system, all calls are triaged into four categories according ...
Hundreds of years before multi-cookers were invented, Dutch ovens were the original kitchen workhorses. Renowned for their versatility and durability, Dutch ovens are thick-walled cooking pots ...
All the latest news, photos and more on the Dutch royals - Queen Beatrix, Prince Johan Friso, King Willem Alexander, Queen Maxima. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima had a complicated lead-up ...
Another cause is that more and more Dutch people live too far from a post to be reached within 15 minutes, largely due to more traffic, speed-reducing measures, and fewer ambulance pots with permanent ...
Learn how to say thank you in Dutch in just a few minutes — and impress all the Dutchies around you! Learning Dutch can seem intimidating, but these few phrases will get you further than you think, ...
Months after my family relocated from Philadelphia to Maastricht, a small Dutch city, we went out to eat. I was six weeks postpartum after having my second child. My husband, my 6-year-old son ...
“Absolutely, close calls are very scary for EMS professionals and any first responder,” said Riley Hash of A-1 Ambulance in Butte. A Butte police car and an A-1 ambulance were each hit by two ...
EDITOR’S NOTE: The RCMP initially said the ambulance was responding to a call for service at the time of the crash. On Feb. 19, police issued a correction to say it was not responding to a call ...
A clinical nurse manager failed to call an ambulance for a patient who had swallowed cleaning fluid at a Dublin hospital, a Nursing and Midwifery Board Fitness to Practise Inquiry has been told.
The arrival of this air ambulance, which has been delayed for several months due to issues with part deliveries from the Italian company Leonardo, was announced by Transport Minister and Deputy ...