To better understand when a big earthquake is coming, there are earthquake monitoring stations across the state in remote ...
The Parker Butte earthquake, as it has been renamed, occurred about 7 kilometers deep along the Wabuska Lineament between ...
NHK provides two types of emergency broadcasts: Emergency Warning Broadcasting (EWB) system and Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system. In addition to an activation signal for receivers ...
Shinkansen can stop significantly faster and more safely when an earthquake strikes thanks to a new tremor detection and alarm system, according to railway operators and engineers. The time it ...
did issue a news story based on the alarm notice. The federal body said work it was doing to revise and update information about where the historic quake struck had caused computer systems to ...
An emergency earthquake warning sent to millions of people in Japan caused a brief panic on Friday and disrupted Tokyo's transport network. But the loud alert, which was sent to millions of mobile ...