Eisenhower again defeated Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic opponent ... those they were part of when they won it — with Teddy Roosevelt getting closest. Roosevelt, a Republican, became president ...
By 1965, in his cautionary speech before the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson ... motion the research that produced two atom bombs; Eleanor Roosevelt, the diplomat who helped draft the Universal ...
We invite you to be our guest and join other seniors for a very special visit on February 27–29, 2020. This will be a great opportunity to connect with other students from all over the U.S. who are ...
Join us on Friday, February 21, for an in-depth look at Hope’s exceptional preparation for the health professions. Hope College has an excellent track record in preparing students for the health ...
The White House announced today that President Johnson has appointed Jacob Blaustein as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson ...
Well, no, said Reston, he could not go, but he assured his caller that the Times would — as it has in the last eight years — give ample cover age to Adlai Stevenson. A short time after his ...
Sunrise at Campobello (by Dore Schary) extends from Aug. 10, 1921 to June 26, 1924—from the day that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was ... part to his support of Adlai Stevenson.
Roosevelt at the top of the ticket and Sherman “Shay ... Schricker had enthusiastically supported the presidential candidacy of Adlai Stevenson, the governor of neighboring Illinois. Governor ...