War — the legalization of first-degree murder — remains mankind’s worst, incorrigible scourge. President Donald Trump ...
In a week of head spinning alterations to legislation, surprises continued Thursday, the 27th day of the 30-day session.
The House passed the Continuing Resolution, largely along party lines, on Tuesday. The final tally was 217-213. One ...
Zohran Mamdani, Zellnor Myrie and Jessica Ramos are ping-ponging between New York City and Albany as they divide their time ...
At the Utah Sports Summit, a number of community leaders detailed their plans to further support sports in the Utah athletics ...
Councilman John Courage is set to hire the campaign manager of the candidate he endorsed to replace him in District 9 ...
A film about an underdog facing down a corrupt federal government hijacked by an unelected captain tycoon? Talk about timely ...
Amy Romano and Michael Duncan are seeking the state representative seat left vacant by Jason Perillo's move to the state ...
Taxes paid by unaffiliated voters, often called independents, fund primary elections in Pennsylvania, even though they are ...
Many crypto companies and investors are looking at the SEC's enforcement case against Ripple Labs after the regulator agreed ...
A bill to allow darker tint on motor vehicle windows is on its way to Governor Armstrong’s desk. The bill would change the ...