How Much Does an Elementary School Teacher Make? Elementary School Teachers made a median salary of $63,680 in 2023. The best-paid 25% made $81,480 that year, while the lowest-paid 25% made $51,260.
Legislation currently under consideration in the Indiana House of Representatives that would increase minimum salaries for ...
Alachua County Public School teachers pleaded to the school board on Tuesday for livable wages amid an ongoing negotiation ...
During Tuesday's Alachua County School Board meeting, a Talbot Elementary School teacher called the latest contract offer "abysmal." ...
Residents in the Park Hill School District will be voting on two measures this spring that could raise their tax rate in order to boost teacher pay and improve facilities and buildings in the district ...
Salaries for some of Fairfield's school administrators will take a 10.79 percent hike over the next three years.
Gina Rivera, a Talbot Elementary School teacher, was among the teachers who spoke at the school board meeting. She said the disparity between teachers’ salaries and the salaries of district ...