A T-Mobile building in Los Angeles was seen partially caving in after it was flooded by a sheared fire hydrant on Sunday ...
The crash, paired with spewing water from a sheared fire hydrant, caused the roof of the store to collapse inwards.
A T-Mobile store in North Hills began to collapse after a driver collided into the building on Sunday afternoon. It's unclear what caused the crash, but as they were traveling in the 15300 block of ...
Several small businesses were destroyed in a devastating fire on Thursday morning -- and firefighters say their efforts were hindered by a car parked in front of a hydrant.
Firefighters’ response to the Morris Heights blaze was briefly delayed by a car parked in front of a hydrant, Deputy Mayor of ...
Improvements to municipal water systems can help avoid a repeat of the Pacific Palisades and other Los Angeles-area fires ...
18.You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them: On the left is the cheaper pasta, ...
A huge fire broke out at the site of a campervan company on Thursday night as dozens of firefighters battled the blaze.
A 43-year-old man being pursued by a sheriff's deputy was killed when state troopers said he drove left of center and hit a ...
A woman reportedly driving home from work at 4:55 a.m. on Tuesday took a turn onto Third Avenue from Salisbury Avenue too ...
For the first time in city history, the FDNY issued a criminal summons to a vehicle owner who illegally blocked a fire ...