Why it's awesome: Earth's oceans are home to many secretive and unusual creatures that humans rarely see — including giant ...
Meat and dairy products from Germany have been banned in Guernsey after an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). All ...
The UK has banned the import of cattle, pigs, sheep, deer, buffaloes and their products, such as meat and dairy, from Germany ...
Joseph Lamai, Trans Nzoia County Chairman of livestock traders, reports that local meat prices have surged dramatically, with ...
The first cases of foot-and-mouth disease since 1988 have been detected among German cattle. In some countries, the deadly ...
The outbreak of food-and-mouth disease in Germany could have wide-ranging implications. Here's what will happen step-by-step.
Germany has no new cases of the livestock illness foot-and-mouth disease with a suspect case on Thursday not confirmed, ...
Berlin said Wednesday it was working "day and night" to find the source of a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak that has led several countries to stop German meat imports.
Minister Zeichner's opening statement on Food and Mouth Disease Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious ...
Farmers in Wales are on alert after a case of foot and mouth was confirmed in Germany. The disease was discovered in a water ...
Three cases of the highly contagious viral infection, which is no threat to humans but led to £8 billion of mass culls in the ...
Imports of live cattle, pigs and sheep from Germany have been prohibited by the UK Government following confirmation of a ...