“To jump on the water surface, you have to have your legs retracted and ready to push down again by the time you’re ...
Most frogs jumped three to four times across the surface – and, surprisingly, were recorded fully submerged in the water before each subsequent leap. The team observed wild frogs jumping up to ...
Cricket frogs, native to Virginia and North Carolina, demonstrate an incredible ability to skitter across water surfaces, ...
If you are light enough, the water’s surface is just another place to stretch your legs. The animal kingdom abounds with ...
Cricket frogs were once thought to hop on the water’s surface. They actually leap in and out of the water in a form of locomotion called porpoising.
and so he never done nothing for three months but set in his back yard and learn that frog to jump. And you bet you he did learn him, too. He’d give him a little punch behind, and the next ...
Jake Socha, the Samuel Herrick Professor in Mechanical Engineering, leads a research team that studies the cricket frog’s unique ability to “skitter,” another name for jumping multiple times ...
“Skittering is not actually a well-defined word for this behavior – one naturalist used it to describe a ‘jumping on water’ behavior in frogs in 1949, and since then, it’s been used for ...
Is walking on water possible for frogs? Several species have fascinated observers with their abilities to skip side-to-side and leap into the air from the surface of a pond as if the water were land.