As U.S. transit agencies increasingly order buses powered by batteries or hydrogen fuel cells, some of these same agencies ...
After five years of research, Airbus has introduced its revised ZEROe aircraft concept, a hydrogen aircraft that will be ...
Despite delaying service entry by up to 10 years, Airbus is still pressing ahead with its ZEROe hydrogen aircraft programme ...
Bosch will begin producing electrolyser components for hydrogen production, expecting its hydrogen business to generate ...
The new podcast Inflection Point leans on C&EN’s 100-year archive to trace headline topics in science today back to their ...
In a significant development in the military drone sector, California-based Mach Industries has announced its collaboration ...
Hydrogen-powered vehicles are the new kids on the block and they come with some advantages and disadvantages when compared to ...
Canadian and British-based company First Hydrogen has unveiled a new concept for a zero-emission recreational vehicle (RV) that uses fuel cell technology. Developed in partnership with German ...
and locally generated power, ensuring that datacenters can operate with maximum efficiency and sustainability," he said. However, methane is typically not used directly in fuel cells, but is first ...
fuel cells that react hydrogen with oxygen to power electric motors. The only emission from hydrogen fuel cell trains is water vapour, making them a carbon-free transportation option. Passenger ...
As technology advances, power dissipation has now become the number one challenge facing today’s chip designers. Total power consumption consists of two parts - dynamic power and leakage power.