Dermatitis is a skin condition that can make skin feel dry ... “Warmth, moisture and friction can promote irritation and ...
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common ... Recurrent bacterial, fungal, and viral skin infections are a frequent complication of AD. The lesions of AD provide an environment that can harbor several ...
Most ringworm responds to antifungals you can buy at a pharmacy. This article lists ringworm treatments and includes options ...
Dermatitis is a term that means inflammation of the skin. Eczema is a term used to describe a group of chronic skin conditions that cause itchy, dry, and inflamed skin. People often use the terms ...
Discover a study that aimed to compare the effects of antimicrobial–corticosteroid combination therapy with corticosteroid ...
As in other forms of hand dermatitis, pomphylox is aggravated by ... Identi fica tion of fungal infection on the feet is necessary as pomphylox can be indistinguishable from an id reaction ...