If you're having issues with slow hair growth, thinning hair or a dry, itchy scalp, check out these products for getting your ...
Exfoliating the scalp can help to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores. Consider using a scalp scrub or massaging ...
While scalp acne might just seem like an inconvenient condition to manage, it could be key to preventing future hair loss.
Dirty hair pain can be annoying, but it's easy to fix. Here's what causes it and how you can make it go away, according to ...
Check out Garlic Oil’s effective benefits in getting rid of hair and scalp problems like dryness, dandruff, hair thinning etc ...
A woman has shared a “PSA” for gymgoers after she discovered an awful side-effect of using dirty equipment – and experts warn ...
Dandruff is a common scalp condition that leads to itchiness, flakiness, and irritation. It can be caused by dry skin, fungal ...
Hillary Nguyen took to TikTok to share how she caught a fungal infection that has made her go bald, and urged people to make ...
TikTok user Hillary Nguyen urged people to clean the gym equipment before and after using it, as she was left with a fungal ...
This condition reportedly starts off with a feeling of itching around the scalp, which is quickly followed by significant hair loss.
Mysterious hair loss outbreak in Maharashtra's Budhana district baffles experts, affecting over 190 people in 12 villages.
Peace, the barber, explained that those with thick, coarse, or heavy tresses are least advised to sleep with wet hair since ...