Actor Ajith Kumar recently completed filming for Good Bad Ugly. The pictures of the last day of the shot showing his new look. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for the film, led by Ajith Kumar.
Bollywood star Akshay Kumar enjoyed a family dinner outing in Mumbai with wife Twinkle Khanna and children Aarav and Nitara, following a recent eye injury on the set of 'Housefull 5'. The family ...
The Supreme Court collegium reprimanded Allahabad High Court Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav for his controversial speech at a VHP event. The collegium advised him to maintain judicial dignity and ...
Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar on Saturday (December 14) wrapped shooting for his upcoming film, Good Bad Ugly, directed by Adhik Ravichandran. Also starring Trisha, the film is set for a release ...
Emeritus Professor Dr Sultan Ahmed Choudhury Scientific Talents Nurture Fund Award Ceremony, an initiative of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, was held yesterday at the auditorium of the National ...
The debate on the Constitution in the recently concluded winter session of Parliament, specifically the controversy over Shah’s speech, was also discussed.