The corruption of the US Forest Service is manifest nationwide, not just in the West. Numerous huge desecrations, such as at ...
Each enchilada plate comes with rice and beans that deserve special mention. Rice at many Mexican restaurants in New England ...
When this woman planned to go snorkeling in the Bahamas, she never would have guessed she'd befriend an adorable green sea turtle!
GALVESTON, Texas — A large group of green sea turtles are back home in the Gulf after a long ordeal that began last fall. The 24 cold-stunned sea turtles were recently released from Stewart ...
There are five Florida sea turtle species: Hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback and green. For part of the year, the beach becomes home to sea turtles who are in the nesting process.
Most of the world’s sea turtle populations are rebounding – even amid climate change threats - Sea turtles still face warming ...
Some were released earlier in the year, but others were rehabbed for a March return to the sea. Of the 25 turtles, three of them, two green sea turtles and one loggerhead turtle, are now equipped ...