For the first time in at least a decade, Dallas County residents can walk out of a voting precinct with an "I Voted" sticker. Newly elected county Auditor Todd Halbur opted to bring back the ...
Bucks County Environmental Health Bureau director. “It is only a snapshot of what we saw that day. If you want to know how a restaurant is, look over three years’ worth of inspection reports ...
MARICOPA COUNTY, Ariz. — The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday to authorize an independent review of the county's election equipment and processes. After years of turmoil ...
The following is a snapshot of the inspections conducted by the Marion County health department. Twice annually, licensed restaurants receive unannounced inspections that focus on food ...
Comments are taken directly from the latest Thurston County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS) inspection reports, which are available for each food establishment, at the Thurston County ...
Here are sanitation scores in Triangle counties for the week of Feb. 18-24. The Wake County inspection management system shows that 92 restaurant inspections were completed Feb. 18-24. Most ...
The following are the latest results of Portage County Health Department inspections on licensed food establishments and other types of businesses, which the Stevens Point Journal reports monthly.
You can use the database to search by county or by restaurant name. Florida's restaurant owners are not required to post restaurant inspection results where guests can see them. So every week ...
The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation conducts routine restaurant inspections. You can use the database to search by county or by restaurant name. Florida's restaurant ...
You can use the database to search by county or by restaurant name. Florida's restaurant owners are not required to post restaurant inspection results where guests can see them. So every week ...