Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common chronic illnesses, affecting more than 38 million Americans, according to the ...
GURU Rajiv Kovil, a senior diabetologist and obesity specialist, offers advice on how you can alter your diet and lifestyle ...
Managing diabetes naturally through diet is a powerful approach that can help maintain stable blood sugar levels while ...
If you think that energy bars, dried fruit, and orange juice make for a healthy breakfast, you might be surprised to learn ...
Excessive salt intake is an indirect cause of diabetes. But if you are wondering what to consume, here is a list of ...
If you struggle with food cravings, tracking your blood sugar level responses to food may help give you the relief you've ...
Type 2 diabetes is a blood sugar disorder, which can have grave long-term consequences. What you're eating for dinner could ...
healthy fats, and high quality sources of protein. The best foods for people with type 2 diabetes are those that help manage blood sugar levels. Keeping sugar and refined carbs to a minimum is key.
The demand for sweet potato (Genasu in Kannada) has been steadily rising, especially among gym-goers who are opting for it as ...
Imagine reversing a life-altering condition without the use of drugs. One British GP is doing exactly that, and his ...
I always feel energised the first few weeks of the New Year and this year is no different. I don't make resolutions as such, ...