Longtime Uniontown Area School District school board director Susan Clay hasn’t missed a high school graduation in the 35 ...
Sorting out whether homeowners associations or local governments are responsible for maintaining drainage ponds can require ...
A: Condominium associations may not be operated by an LLC. The association must be a corporation. The applicable section of ...
Homeowner’s Associations (HOAs) have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Why? HOAs often handle large amounts of money ...
In communities across Southern Utah, towing practices by companies contracted by homeowners’ associations and property ...
The HOA voted to wait until March 1 to kill the animals, but activists say that's not enough time to move them.
A bookkeeper who last fall accused a property manager of cooking the books at Burlingame Ranch I Condominiums has confessed ...
The TRPA yesterday unanimously approved Homewood Mountain’s master plan amendments, giving a green light to the project while satisfying Keep Homewood Public’s campaign to ensure that the ski area ...
Prairie dogs are a big reason the man loves living there. Once he learned the neighborhood HOA might exterminate the animals, ...
A Longmont HOA has voted to relocate a prairie dog colony living in a community open space, but only until March 1. After ...
FirstService Residential also manages two other Texas HOAs with rules against using Section 8 housing vouchers.
Boards cannot normally amend bylaws without a membership vote, but sometimes HOA boards will slightly postpone an annual ...