Closure on Bobby’s family drama and long-needed answers about Buck and Eddie marks another great episode in the 9-1-1-verse.
Anyone who did not believe in spiritual warfare before now, perhaps might after listening to the Augustine Institute’s audio ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” helps me understand my own complicated relationship with Catholicism and sexuality.
My response to the question is that all humans sin — sometimes consciously — sometimes not. If and when we sin, we are called ...
The parade-day mass each year is an hour of prayer, silence and reflection on the faith that grounds these celebrations.
Columnist Clara Johnson offers messages of praise and appreciation each Wednesday. Contribute a Shout Out by email to bliving ...
The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...
Catherine Mowry LaCugna, who died in 1997 at only 44 years of age, brought new life to Trinitarian theology and inspired a ...
“In his perversion, the devil wants to destroy that bond,” the Pontiff explained. “Jesus’ relationship with the Father is not ...
This last Wednesday marked the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. While walking down Edmonds’ Main Street, you might have ...
One Piece could have a major twist with Gunko's character (Image via Shueisha). One Piece is a series that easily connects older plot points with new characters. The new Holy Knight, Gunko, has ...