In this visually stunning and emotionally moving film, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie star as John and Laura Baxter, a grieving couple whose daughter recently drowned. Now they’re in Venice and ...
As you know, in today’s Hollywood studio system, everything old is new again. As a public service, just in case you were wondering, the new version of the classic 1941 ...
But if movies and the media can't save us, they can represent us. Mainstream entertainment can move the needle on acceptance ...
Tim Burton is one of the most beloved directors working in Hollywood today, and has been for decades. After directing ...
Tallulah starred as the crazed Mrs. Trefoile in the British camp horror film “Fanatic,” known in the U.S. as “Die! Die! My ...
The Twilight Zone is a show famous for dystopian science fiction, but it routinely had one foot firmly in the horror genre ...