What are the best hybrid cars of 2025? Use our expert BuzzScore rating to find the safest and most reliable hybrid cars on ...
At a time when many consumers want to save on gas but aren’t ready to buy a fully electric car, hybrid vehicles ... but buying a hybrid lets them do something green-minded while saving ...
One of the strongest public opponents of IndyCar's move to hybrid technology is now a supporter, even though it cost his team placements at Thermal.
With advancements in hybrid technology offering better fuel efficiency ... the 2025 Prius Nightshade proves that green cars can look as good as they perform. New Nightshade trim reveals the ...
The 2026 CLA—both electric and hybrid models—get lots of stars in their visual language in this generation. With a more pronounced wedge in its stance, the CLA EV wears 142 tiny three-pointed stars on ...
Hybrid cars use two different power sources, typically a gas-powered engine and an electric motor. Hybrid cars use one or both power sources for motivation, often using the electric motor at lower ...