MOSCOW. Jan 30 (Interfax) - Developing the hard-to-recover Bazhen hydrocarbon reserves has become three times more cost effective in the last seven years.
Muon spin rotation (µSR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique that helps to study the behavior of materials at the atomic ...
Ozone pollution, typically associated with warm weather and strong sunlight, has begun to manifest alarmingly in winter. This ...
Shale gas and tight gas are unconventional natural gas types distinguished by the geological formations in which they are ...
The Court of Appeal in Abuja has upheld the claim of NorthWest Petroleum & Gas Company Limited over a 69.6% equity stake in Ede Marginal Field, Oil Mining Lease (OML) 67.
The flight caused a rare weather phenomenon as it approached Denver International Airport, resulting in brief snowfall ...
The CLOUD collaboration at CERN has revealed a new source of atmospheric aerosol particles that could help scientists to ...
Ever wondered about the white lines stretching across the sky? These are contrails—condensation trails formed by aircraft ...
Originally projecting 5.4 million barrels of oil equivalent-worth of best estimate contingent resources, Karoon now believes its interest in Who Dat East may contain 15.7 million boe following the ...
Flights landing Saturday night at Denver International Airport unwittingly helped trigger the formation of ice crystals in a ...
The building blocks of life could have been delivered to solar system dwarf planet Ceres by one or more space rocks from the outer asteroid belt.