Is car loan interest tax deductible for you? Discover the rules, who qualifies and how to maximize this potential tax break.
Instead of earning cash, Bask Bank’s Mileage ... Internal Revenue Service (IRS) categorizes the interest you earn on bank balances as earned income, which your bank will report on a 1099-INT tax ...
Lawmakers eye other sources of revenue so zero-emission car owners shoulder more roadway costs. But it won’t be easy.
This would mark a significant shift in longstanding IRS policy, which has traditionally kept taxpayer information strictly confidential.
An Assembly committee is exploring whether the gas tax should be replaced by something that would require EV owners to ...
Tanisha Taylor, executive director of the state Transportation Commission, told legislators that maintaining the system — ...
As the tax filing deadline approaches, you might be looking for ways to reduce your tax burden. For those who travel for work ...
Toni is a points and miles enthusiast who has been leveraging loyalty programs to travel around the world (for nearly free) with her husband and their four young children. She’s passionate about ...
The latest car news, videos and expert reviews, from's independent automotive journalists What we know is how the tariffs are likely to impact your experience in buying a new or used car ...