Is our lifespan primarily dictated by our genetics, or do our behaviour and environment play the more important role?
The '64 Pontiac GTO is the first of the muscle cars, and this one features a window-rattling V-8 and a four-speed manual ...
With genetic testing, we know more than ever about this devastating disease—but genes are only one part of the story.
Researchers are using gene editing techniques to introduce beneficial traits like polled and disease resistance, as well as ...
An animal geneticist told Kansas cattle producers recently that a gene editing technique is a safe option for shortening the ...
Sometimes the traits society labels as "bad" can actually be the secret ingredients to success. These quirks and ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
Highly sensitive people (HSPs) experience the world more intensely, with unique strengths in empathy and creativity but also ...
The new study showed that the frequency of people with dark skin was still high in parts of Europe until the Copper Age (also ...