At a packed special meeting Wednesday night, the Jackson City Council voted unanimously to repeal its resolution to implement ...
JACKSON, Mich. (WILX) - Wednesday night, Jackson City Council held a special meeting on parking downtown. The council came to a unanimous decision that they will no longer implement a pay to park ...
Jan Callison, 69, has lived in Jackson her whole life. She said she doesn’t know why there is such an “uproar” against paid ...
Jackson City Council held a special meeting to re-evaluate the decision to bring metered parking to downtown Jackson.
After inviting community members to a special March 26 meeting to discuss the city’s planned - now paused - metered ...
(WILX) -It was a busy night across Mid-Michigan for holiday ... perfect kickoffs to the season. In Jackson, floats and marching bands trekked through downtown, putting a smile on hundreds of ...