A Bullitt County Public Schools choir director's video ... in Louisville during the multi-day Kentucky Music Educators Conference, Bullitt East High School Choir Director Carrie Ann Gary told ...
OWENSBORO, Ky. (WEHT) — Owensboro’s Apollo High School choir students got to sit down with the voice behind some of Disney’s most recognizable songs. On Friday, Liz Callaway visited ...
Ten singers from the Wendell Phillips High School alumni a capella choir — whose talents were honed in the 1960s and 1970s under beloved director Andrew Duncan — came back to the Bronzeville ...
On March 4, nearly 800 people gathered at the Shawnee State University Vern Riffe Center for the Arts to celebrate as some of the most talented students in music joined the legacy of thousands that ...
This resort for literal "deadheads" is a production number that members of East High School's Headliners show choir have been working on since the start of the school year. The students will be ...
Folks will get the chance “to enjoy some music that is really beautiful and touching as well as some music that is really fun and will make their toes tap,” during the upcoming Hudson Choir Concert ..