colon and rectum. We have helped pioneer procedures such as transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) and transanal minimally-invasive surgery (TAMIS) and offer a wide spectrum of laparoscopic and ...
An open surgery will require more advanced wound care. Generally speaking, the following should apply to wound care following a laparoscopic colorectal surgery. You may shower, but should avoid ...
Your surgeon might remove the part of your large bowel (colon) containing the cancer. This is called a colectomy. Your surgeon also removes nearby lymph nodes. Surgery to remove part of the colon is ...
A colonoscopy conducted after noticing abnormal bleeding led to a colon cancer diagnosis for a 44-year-old mother of two.
As laparoscopic surgery is becoming more common in emergency surgery, adhesive SBO is the obvious next target for a laparoscopic approach. [1] Although there are several retrospective series ...
Doctors recommend that patients take medication only after confirming the diagnosis. Additionally, even in the absence of ...
The following is a summary of “Robotic-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer: long-term ...
Laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical ... even in physically constrained settings such as minimally invasive surgery," remarks Song. This new method provides a simple yet powerful tool ...