Philadelphia's Department of Licenses and Inspections declared a West Oak Lane apartment building unsafe in November, and tenants are suing for fixes and refunds on their rent.
A property owner is offended when a neighbor takes an honest favor as a request to lie; a coworker feels excluded from a ...
A lien sale helps recover unpaid debts through a structured process. For example, if a property owner fails to pay property taxes, a tax lien is placed on the home. The local government, acting as the ...
With the recent developments at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), many mortgage lenders have been left ...
CCP had been the subject of a DOJ CID, but now the Division appears to be ambivalent toward NAR’s currently controversial policy.
Residents are being warned about a new scam involving fraudulent tax lien notices that may appear in their mailboxes. The ...
Uncertain about the legality of a Medicaid lien increase on your inherited property? Explore your rights and potential legal options with an elder law attorney ...
The DOJ filed a supplemental statement of interest in the Nosalek suit, where it continued its objections to the MLS PIN settlement.
Some parts of the Four-States experienced strong winds and storms that may have damaged homes or property over the weekend.