Mufasa (voiced by Aaron Pierre) and Taka (voiced by Kelvin Harrison Jr.) in "Mufasa: The Lion King." Critics are split in their reactions to Mufasa: The Lion King, Disney’s prequel to the 2019 ...
and Taka (voiced by Kelvin Harrison Jr.) in "Mufasa: The Lion King." Aaron Pierre voices the grown-up version of Mufasa in Mufasa: The Lion King, while Kelvin Harrison Jr. voices Taka, who is ...
The follow-up movie to the 2019 live action remake of The Lion King has put in a solid performance at the box office so far.
Mufasa: The Lion King gave fans an interesting glimpse into the origins of the story's characters. Scar once belonged to a royal pride, but Mufasa enters the scene owing to a flood that lands him with ...
Mufasa: The Lion King explores the bond between Mufasa and his adopted brother Taka (Kelvin Harrison Jr.), the lion who will become Scar. It also covers how Mufasa met his future wife Sarabi ...
The prequel to the 2019 film, 'The Lion King', Mufasa deals with the story of Mufasa and the royal blood, Taka. While the 2019 release had Aryan Khan making his debut as the voice of Simba ...
Disney’s 1994 animated blockbuster The Lion King was a classic hero’s journey, following Simba, a young lion who must avenge his fallen father, the wise, noble king Mufasa. The studio’s ...
When the younger versions of Mufasa: The Lion King's characters are introduced, Scar is revealed to have originally been known as Taka. He is the son of Queen Eshe and King Obasi. After Mufasa is ...
Sequels to beloved films are not typically welcome, but many will flock to a theater to learn the backstory of an iconic character, myself included. "Mufasa: The Lion King" offers audiences a look ...
But is Taka Scar in Mufasa: The Lion King? What’s the real story behind the Disney character? Here’s what we already knew and what the prequel tells us. Most of the information from that short ...