We compared four leading AI companions across different dimensions of human-like interaction to find your next AI BFF.
Visitors can walk through a huge, human-scaled Barbie dream house that’s a re-creation of the 1979 plastic version. The ...
Once the team made MuMuTAs work, they used five of them to actuate multi-jointed fingers in a robotic hand.
Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
Learn how Google’s Gemini 2.0 combines cutting-edge AI and robotics to tackle real-world challenges with human-like ...
Voice is not dead; it’s being reborn through AI, offering businesses a smarter, faster and more cost-effective way to serve ...
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, have enabled a paralysed man to regularly control ...
Scientists have developed a coffee machine-sized 3D bioprinter that produces human-like tissue in a move they hope could potentially speed up the development of new treatments for the likes of heart ...
“ Mayhem is utter chaos!” Gaga added. She said the record “just feels good to me. It sounds good. It breaks a lot of rules ...
Though it was written in 1987, one could argue that Ingalls foresaw an ecosystem of dating apps, sex robots, and computers ...