Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
Marvel Studios has made some huge changes to Marvel Comics characters when adapting them for the live-action MCU, which has ...
Official Description: "How long does it take to go from nobody to somebody? If a small star is not bright enough to illuminate the night sky, what about gathering thousands of them and weaving ...
It seems The Russo Brothers and Steven McFeely are still working on the script for Marvel Studios' Avengers: Doomsday, and ...
In a twist that has the potential to upset both Marvel and DC fans, rumors are swirling the internet that DC Studios’ James ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the most important cinematic franchise of the modern era, and it's produced some of the ...
The Electric State, a new sci-fi drama from the Russo Brothers and adapted from the graphic novel of the same name, looks set to be your next Netflix obsession.
The Nvidia boss unveiled a new AI platform at CES called Cosmos, which aims to give robots and autonomous cars endless ...
Bradley Cooper has both the rare 0% on Rotten Tomatoes and multiple Oscar nominations. Here are the best and worst movies of ...
Though there's a chance this is not legit, a Production Weekly listing appears to have confirmed the "full" cast of Marvel ...
In Infinity Nikki, you'll come across this World Quest in Florawish. This guide has all the information you need to discover the quest, who to talk to and what rewards you'll receive for ...