Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched 'Mission Mausam', which aims to make the country a "weather-ready" and "climate-smart" nation, as part of the events marking the 150th foundation ...
Among many recent decisions by the Union Cabinet, here is what and why Mission Mausam is important. How does it aim to create a more ‘weather-ready’ and ‘climate-smart’ country? Also, go beyond the ...
Addressing a function to celebrate 150 years of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Modi also launched 'Mission Mausam' for developing cutting-edge weather surveillance technologies and systems ...
On the momentous occasion of the India Meteorological Department's (IMD) 150th Foundation Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Mission Mausam, an ambitious initiative poised to revolutionize ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urged scientists to work towards developing warning systems for earthquakes while noting that advances in weather sciences have helped the country minimise ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled ‘Mission Mausam’ on the 150th Foundation Day of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday in a push to make India a climate-smart nation and ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch 'Mission Mausam' on the occasion of India Meteorological Department 150th Foundation Day tomorrow, the Prime Minister's Office said on Monday. Mission Mausam ...
I’m a deputy editor covering women's and men's fashion, accessories and athletic apparel. My writing has appeared in T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Vogue and The Wall Street Journal.
„ Mail“ ist eine kostenlose Web-App, mit der Sie gratis eine E-Mail-Adresse erstellen und Ihre Mails schreiben und verwalten können. In dem formatieren Sie ...
In November 2024, German exports were up by 2.1% while imports were down by 3.3% on a calendar and seasonally adjusted basis compared with October 2024. Based on provisional data, the Federal ...
Im November 2024 waren rund 46,1 Millionen Menschen mit Wohnort in Deutschland erwerbstätig. Nach vorläufigen Berechnungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Destatis) stieg die Zahl der Erwerbstätigen ...