AFib (short for atrial fibrillation), a common heart rhythm disorder in adults, can have disastrous consequences, including ...
In developing hearts, cells shuffle around, bumping into each other to find their place, and the stakes are high: pairing with the wrong cell could mean the difference between a beating heart and one ...
A new AI model can flag female patients who are at higher ... An ECG records the electrical activity of the heart and is one of the most common medical tests in the world. In their study, the ...
Founded in 2020, the CarDS Lab has been at the forefront of creating AI-based applications to improve medical diagnoses of ...
A new AI model can flag female patients who are at higher risk of heart disease based on an electrocardiogram (ECG).
In the absence of a heart transplant, most medical treatments aim to reduce ... For this heart failure model, heart failure generally leads to death within a few months. But all four pigs that ...
That model, initially designed to classify scar tissue in various ... Since there is currently no effective treatment to eliminate or reverse heart fibrosis, medical efforts focus on prevention and ...