No more waiting for others to figure out what they want to do or when. You're ready to take your time and regain control over your day. This may be one of those moments where you have to set ...
Are you feeling a creative block or stump on inspiration, Capricorn? While this can be frustrating, it may be best to remain patient. After all, nothing in nature blooms all year. This is a good ...
Aquarius, be aware that you don't try to force something that isn't meant to be. Don't set unrealistic expectations, but remain open-minded about what a situation means.
Betrayal hurts, and it doesn't have to be a significant slight. It can be as small as someone not doing what they said they would do or letting you down by how they reacted. Today's mantra is ...
If nothing changes, nothing changes, Scorpio. While change can be scary, it often can position you in the best place for growth and advancement. This is a wonderful time not to frown on ...