A humpback whale urinating near Hawaii. Credit: Lars Bejder/NOAA Scientists have long understood that microbes, zooplankton, and fish are vital sources of recycled nitrogen in coastal waters.
As the writer behind this guide to the best white sneakers, it’s fascinating to see what the sneakerheads are chasing — from Air Force 1s to Stan Smiths. There’s a style for everyone these ...
Barnard’s Star, our cosmic neighbour that is only six light-years away, has thrown up a surprise. Scientists have found four tiny planets orbiting it, a discovery that can help us learn about planet ...
Compared to these epics, Severin’s latest quest is simple. Like Melville’s novel, In Search of Moby Dick is loosely structured around a search for a white whale. To this end, Severin spends time with ...
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During the 117th Congress, 78 members violated the STOCK Act that requires public disclosure of trades within 45 days. Perhaps the days of US politicians having a whale of a time on the stockmarket ...