Cosmic sparkle: NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured the globular cluster NGC 2298, a sparkling collection of thousands of stars held together by their mutual gravitational attraction.
A new study of super-fast-moving stars suggests that they were accelerated by a monster black hole that's been lurking unseen in the galaxy next door. This appears to be the closest supermassive black ...
However, a few months later that emission was turning up at night, and Jansky concluded the hiss was actually radio emissions from the Milky Way. The astronomical community did not receive the news ...
The image, captured on January 29 just before sunrise, presents an unusual view of our planet still shrouded in darkness, with the Milky Way galaxy stretching across the background. Unlike the typical ...
NASA astronaut Don Pettit captures a breathtaking photo of the Milky Way from the ISS, highlighting the stunning view of our galaxy. As part of Expedition 72, Pettit and his team conduct crucial ...
Scientists study the central part of the Milky Way galaxy with great passion. Researchers within the scientific field confirm that unexplained radiation occurs around Sagittarius A* (“Saggitarius ...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is providing the best look yet at the chaotic events unfolding around the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, observing a steady flickering ...
This offers forensic clues as to how our Milky Way galaxy and Andromeda have evolved differently over billions of years. Our Milky Way has been relatively placid. But it looks like Andromeda has ...
is that life is extremely rare in the universe and complex life is so rare that we might be the only planet in the Milky Way galaxy where complex life exists currently." Brian Cox revealed the one ...
New research from a team at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics suggests that the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy neighboring the Milky Way, hosts a gravitational structure hundreds of ...
(CNN) - Astronomers say they have spotted a dazzling light show from the Milky Way’s black hole. The astronomers spotted the activity using the James Webb Space Telescope. Researchers say they ...