Fin Fang Foom. Next up in May is Hulk & Doctor Strange. After that, we'll finally get to Ghost Rider Vs. Galactus, with Marvel having now revealed the main cover for the one-shot by Terry Dodson ...
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many ...
Dr. Strange and Jeff can team up to abuse this massive Marvel Rivals exploit Dr. Strange is one of the most unique characters in Marvel Rivals. Not only is he powerful and can sustain damage ...
Victor Von Doom is one of the greatest “villains” of the Marvel Universe for good reason. Whether he’s written as an iron-fisted despot or a misunderstood Latverian whose pride gets the ...
Doctor Strange is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. In every game, there are characters that stand out from the rest. Every game has S-tier characters ...
The new TVA comic appears to be set in the Marvel ... strange is going on in the TVA and a mysterious figure is stalking its halls; Morbius was led down one of the hallways Ghost-Spider has ...
In Marvel Comics lore, the Avengers did not begin with Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. The team's origins go all the way back to the stone age and some of its members are taking the lead for ...
Depending on who you ask, Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite is either the worst game in this crossover series or a good entry that wasted its potential. Regardless of who you ask, they will all say it's ...
These days, developer Don't Nod is instead remembered primarily for its two Life is Strange games ... Credit: Don't Nod, Capcom Despite the tampering with her brain, Nilin remembers her judo ...