Getting from Earth to space isn’t just about speed—it’s about planning the right trajectory. The Moon, our closest neighbor, ...
The gas giants outside our solar system are not capable of hosting extraterrestrial life, but do offer clues in a lingering ...
In 2022, the Webb telescope detected unequivocal evidence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet called ...
New Southwest Research Institute-led modeling indicates the main belt asteroid (52246) Donaldjohanson may have formed about ...
Tense, public squabbles between SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and NASA have stirred the space industry, but behind the scenes, space ...
The discovery is keeping astronomers on their toes about how planets are formed.
Studying young gas giant exoplanets' compositions and orbits could help us better understand how our own solar system's gas ...
Using data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it flew past Jupiter's highly volcanic moon Io in late 2023 and again in ...
Europa, one of Jupiter’s intriguing moons, is hiding an ocean beneath its icy shell — an ocean that might harbor alien life.
Dec. 9, 2024 — A NASA Hubble Space Telescope observation program called OPAL (Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy) obtains long-term baseline observations of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in ...
The first private spacecraft mission to Venus will combat the planet's hellish conditions with the aid of a novel woven heat ...