Thousands of people felt the quake in New Zealand with media reporting buildings swaying and items falling from shelves.
It’s a brisk early morning at Piha’s North Beach in Auckland, and the black labrador in front of me is barking like a steady ...
— Spade-toothed whales are the world’s rarest, with no live sightings ever recorded. No one knows how many there are, what ...
Strong earthquake hits New Zealand; officials caution against shoreline hazards and warn of unpredictable currents.
CHATHAM ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND—The New Zealand Herald reports that a father and son duo combing a local beach for wood may have made one of the most important discoveries in New Zealand history.
Corey Ngaru and his partner Elian Lellimo left recession-hit New Zealand for the sunshine of Australia's Gold Coast just a week ago, bidding a teary farewell to family and friends as they seek better ...