By analyzing seismic waves from earthquakes from the 1960s, researchers from Peking University deduced that the Earth's inner ...
Earth appears to be a chill blue planet, but deep down, it’s really a metalhead. Its outer core is mostly molten iron (and ...
At the center of the Earth lies a hot, solid inner core composed predominantly of nickel and iron, with a radius of approximately 1,200 to 1,300 kilometers. This inner core is surrounded by a ...
The Earth is made of different layers: the core, mantle and crust. Plate tectonic theory shows that the crust of the Earth is split into plates (pieces of the Earth’s crust). The movement of ...
"Scientifically there's a huge amount we can learn from asteroids," says Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queens University ...
Previously it had been considered that the temperature in the Martian core is likely too high for a solid inner core to crystallize ... as its density appears to be substantially lower than that of ...
It comes with a diameter that's just five percent smaller than our own blue marble, it has a similar mass and density, its core is made mostly of iron and nickel, and rocky mantles, rich in ...